PT. Kresna Reksa Finance is a company engaged in the Consumer financing Business Sector of a company whose articles of association were established with a deed dated October 15, 1994 number 30 made before the Notary Office of Julia Seloadji, SH, Notary in Waru - Sidoarjo and have been approved by the authorities as Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia with number C2-16,327.HT.01.01.Th1994 and announced in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia dated January 31, 1995 number 9, Supplement number 852 of 1995
The company obtained a business license as a Financing Institution from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia based on Decree No. 623 / KMK.017 / 1994 dated December 27, 1994 and based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number: KEP-120 / KM.10 / 2007 dated June 28, 2007 concerning changes to the granting of Business Licenses of Financing Institutions.
PT. Kresna Reksa Finance also conducts financing business activities based on sharia principles based on a Letter from the Minister of Finance concerning the Sharia Business Unit Formation Report No.S-1165 / MK.10 / 2012 dated September 5, 2012.
PT. Kresna Reksa Finance, in accordance with the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 29 / POJK.05 / 2014 Year 2014 concerning the Implementation of Business Financing Companies where the Company's business activities are to provide Multipurpose Financing.